Planning your Trip
Timetables and route maps for all our services are available on this page. If you’re unsure of the route you are after, you can refer to our network map.
Alternatively, you can plan your trip using the TripPlanner – this is particularly useful if your journey will consist of several modes or transfers.
Printed copies of maps and timetables are also available from our drivers or by telephoning Transport Info on 131500.
Arrive at the Bus Stop Early
Bus timetables list approximate times so it is a good idea to be at your stop a few minutes early to ensure you have time to get your money or through ticket ready.
Drivers look for passengers standing at bus stops with a raised arm as a signal to pull over.
If you are running for the bus or are not yet at the stop, the driver may not see you and you will have to wait for the next bus.

Look for the Destination Sign
As the bus approaches, look for the route number and destination sign at the top of the front of the bus.
If you are having trouble reading the sign, move towards the kerb and signal the driver.
If it’s not the bus you want, move back from the kerb so the driver knows you do not need them to stop.
Signal the Driver – As Early as Possible
Please signal the driver clearly and as early as possible by raising your arm. This will give the driver time to safely pull over.
Please note: If you do not signal the driver, the bus may not stop. If you signal late, the driver may not be able to pull over safely.

Entering the Bus
The bus will come to a complete stop before opening its doors. Wait for all departing passengers to exit the bus, and then enter the bus, keeping to the left-hand side. You may pay a cash fare to the driver or show your through ticket.
Leaving the Bus
Press the bell before your stop so the driver has plenty of time to pull over.
Check to make sure you have all your belongings.
Wait for the bus to come to a complete stop.
Don’t step off the kerb until after the bus has gone. Other drivers cannot see you if you walk in front of the bus. The rule is “When the bus is gone, that’s when you cross”.

Caught the Wrong Bus
Don’t worry. Press the bell for the next stop. When the bus stops tell the driver your problem and they will assist you to find the correct bus.
Tips for Using Wheelchair Accessible Services
Plan your trip using the Trip Planner.
Look for the international wheelchair symbol displayed on the front and side of buses If you are visually impaired, stay close to the bus stop so the driver can see you.
If you are wheelchair-bound:
- Wait for the ramp to be extended and the body of the bus to be lowered
- Use one of the two priority wheelchair spaces provided on each side of the bus
- Travel facing the back of the bus and brace your wheelchair against the back of the seat or partition in front of the wheelchair space, close to the side of the bus. Apply wheelchair brakes while the bus is moving.

Safety for Seniors
Safe and comfortable travel for seniors is a top priority for Forest Coach Lines. Initiatives such as the upgrading of our bus fleet and training of our staff in relevant skills are aimed at making seniors’ travel safe and comfortable.
Passengers should be aware of things they can do for a safer journey.
Always carry your Concession Card with you when you are using a Regional Excursion Day (RED) Ticket or concession fare.
Travelling with Surfboards
Passengers may carry a surfboard on a bus provided it does not cause inconvenience or a danger to other passengers.
The bus driver will refuse the carrying of a surfboard if there is insufficient room on the bus and the surfboard cannot be stowed clear of the aisle and the doorways of the bus.

Travelling with Bicycles
Passengers are not allowed to carry a bicycle on a bus because it cannot be accommodated without inconvenience or danger to other passengers.
Service Animals on Forest Coach Lines
Customers are welcome aboard Forest Coach Lines operated services with their disability service animal or pet, according to some simple rules.
Customers who have a seeing or hearing guide dog, or a guide dog in training, or a police dog, or a police dog in training, or a disabled person’s authorised assistance animal are permitted on board buses, with their animals, at all times. There are no restrictions for these animals.