Safe Bus Travel

Safe travel is paramount to everyone at Forest Coach Lines and providing a safe journey for children travelling to and from school is top priority for our school bus drivers and carers.

Plan Your Trip to School

Everything you need to know about planning your trip to school and travelling to school safely can be found through a variety of resources on the Transport for NSW website.

You’ll find some great tools to help you plan and encourage a safe and enjoyable journey for school children including advice for parents and carers, conduct guidelines and downloadable safety brochures as well as resources for teachers.

The Safety Town website is a NSW Government road safety education resource for teachers, students and families. It includes activities you can do with primary school children to help them keep safe on and around buses. There is also a section for families on driving safely around buses and getting children to and from the bus stop safely.

Getting the Kids Safely to and From School – A Must-Watch Video

Parents and guardians, we encourage you to watch this educational video with your children, to help them to understand the importance of safety and courteous behaviour in and around school buses.

Video courtesy of Queensland Bus Industry Council